Natural Treatment for Constipation and Bloating

Many people have occasional constipation, but for others it can be a recurring problem that causes a significant amount of stress, inconvenience and discomfort. Characterised by infrequent, difficult and sometimes painful bowel movements, constipation occurs when a person’s stool moves through the colon too slowly. This can be due to a range of factors, including dehydration, dysbiosis which is an imbalance in digestive flora, detoxification impairments (that can be corrected), excess fat in the diet, insufficient soluble fibre, lack of exercise, stress or anxiety, and a sensitivity to certain foods.

Discomfort of constipation and bloating

How Can I help?

Constipation and bloating treatment involves all-natural methods that address the root causes of your digestive concerns in order to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms.

Beginning with an in-depth assessment, I will work with you to determine the cause of your condition. Most often, I begin with simple assistance with detoxification and dietary tweeks which generally brings my clients relief. I also make lifestyle suggestions that make a big difference.

I have many years of experience dealing with this and other digestive issues, and my methods are all natural.

Find Relief with Natural Medicine

More than often when people seek natural treatment for constipation or bloating, they will try over-the-counter medications first. While these may work off and on, they are typically not intended for long-term use, and wouldn’t be widely considered the best natural medicine for constipation as the bowel can become lazy. Until you find the underlying cause of your condition, these over-the-counter medications that you find at your local health food store will only help to treat the symptoms, not the cause. Over time, you will require an increase in medication to experience the same relief. This can be dangerous and even cause overdose and damage to your digestive system. My aim is to get to the bottom of your issues to provide a natural treatment for constipation and bloating that works on treating the underlying factors behind the condition.