
Endometriosis is a condition that affects 10 to 15 percent of menstruating women between the ages of 24 and 40. It develops when the lining of the uterus (called the Endometrium) forms entirely outside of the uterus instead of being confined to it. In many cases, the lining can grow and produce lesions that can result in chronic or acute pelvic pain.

Endometriosis often takes years to develop and may present with little to no symptoms. It is commonly under-diagnosed and mistaken for just a painful period. In some cases, symptoms begin with the onset of menstruation, but in most, they begin later and progressively worsen with time. For much-needed relief from these painful symptoms, you can seek effective natural treatment for Endometriosis.

Why is Endometriosis a Problem?



Not only do women with Endometriosis suffer from severe pain with menstruation, which can result in numerous days off work, but the condition can result in miscarriage and infertility. In fact, Endometriosis is one of the leading causes of female infertility. I aim to lessen or alleviate these risks.

There are a number of developing theories to the actual cause. Naturopaths believe that ‘oestrogen dominance’, caused by an increase or imbalance in the level of the hormone, is a major driving factor in this condition. I can provide natural treatments which try to restore the balance of hormones.

A genetic predisposition, immune system dysfunction, and blood flowing in the opposite direction to what is normal (called “retrograde” blood flow) are also considered to be contributing factors. One-third of women with Endometriosis do not present with symptoms of the condition. Those who do experience symptoms typically begin several years after the onset of their period, and progress over time.

A visit to my clinic is aimed to help determine the extent of your condition and the best possible treatment options moving forward.

Common Symptoms Include

·       Tenderness when affected areas are palpated

·       Vomiting, diarrhoea and fainting can occur concurrently with the intense pelvic/abdominal cramping and even labour-like pains.

·       Chronic bearing-down pain and pressure on the low back which may radiate down the legs with menstruation

  • Fatigue, especially with menstruation

·       Pelvic/abdominal cramping and pain with menstruation

·       Acute pain that occurs before menstruation and can last for a day or two during menstruation or throughout the month

·       Pain during sex

·       Infertility (difficulty falling pregnant)

·       Pain with bladder/bowel function, intestinal pain

Megan  at Natural Apothecary  can aid in the relief of many of the symptoms of Endometriosis.

What Are the Main Risk Factors for Developing Endometriosis?

  • Women with shorter menstrual cycles and longer duration of blood flow

  • Lack of exercise from an early age, a high-fat diet, use of intrauterine devices

  • Inheriting the condition from your mother

  • Hormonal imbalance

  • Excessive use of tampons

How Naturopathy for Endometriosis Can Help?

When you come to seek natural Endometriosis treatment, I will formulate a thorough case history to determine the cause and severity of your condition. I may recommend saliva hormone testing and educate you on your options for a medical diagnosis. I may also suggest investigations to confirm a diagnosis.

Based on the information gathered, I may advise particular dietary and lifestyle changes. I may also prescribe herbal and nutritional medicines tailored specifically to treat your symptoms and resolve the underlying issue. Other treatments may include balancing the hormones, optimising the liver function to conjugate and metabolise hormones, and releasing toxins from the body by encouraging healthy bowel motions and healthy gut flora. Normalising the immune response to reduce the formation of new adhesions and to assist dissolving current adhesions is also often addressed.

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