

Fatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness and lack of energy. It is a symptom of an underlying condition rather than a specific disease or disorder in and of itself. People who are fatigued feel tired in both body and mind. Estimates vary, but it is thought that up to 60% of patients visiting their primary health care practitioner complain of fatigue. Fatigue is twice as common in women as it is in men. I offer fatigue treatment for sufferers looking to get some energy and enjoyment back into their day-to-day lives.


Fatigue can be categorised as either:

Simple fatigue:

This involves temporary decline in energy levels for duration of less than six months, which is not severe enough to significantly impact on the patient’s normal daily activities.

Chronic fatigue:

This involves fatigue that is sufficiently intense and significantly affects normal daily activities for a period of six months or more.

A visit to my clinic is aimed to help determine the extent of your condition and the best possible treatment options moving forward.

Symptoms of Fatigue

There are numerous signs and symptoms of fatigue, some of which include:

·       Impaired coordination

·       Appetite loss

·       Reduced immune system function

·       Blurry vision

·       Short term memory problems

·       Poor concentration

·       Hallucinations

·       Low motivation

·       Chronic tiredness or sleepiness

·       Headaches

·       Dizziness

·       Sore or aching muscles

·       Muscle weakness

·       Slowed reflexes and responses

·       Impaired decision making and judgement

·       Moodiness and irritability

On a cellular level, exposure to chronic stress has been shown to contribute to increased free-radical damage and reduced longevity. This means stress can increase the rate at which we age!

The Causes of Fatigue

There are several major causative factors that can contribute to the incidence of fatigue in patients, some of which include the following:

  • Nutritional causes

    Nutritionally deficient diet
    Anaemia (iron, folic acid and/or B12)
    B-complex deficiencies
    Nutrient malabsorption

  • Hormonal causes

    Fatigued adrenal glands
    Clinical or sub-clinical hypothyroidism
    Hypoglycaemia, blood sugar dysregulation

  • Metabolic causes

    Sleep disorders
    Chronic pain
    Inflammatory bowel disorders
    Cardiovascular health issues

  • Immunological causes

    Recent respiratory or gastrointestinal infection – particularly viral infections
    Autoimmune disorders
    Bowel toxicity and dysbiosis
    Food allergies

  • Psychological causes

    Low moods

  • Environmental Causes

    Environmental contaminants such as mould or pollutants
    Toxic disorders such as lead or mercury poisoning
    Medications, such as sleeping pills
    Liver toxicity

No matter where you are on the continuum of mild to chronic fatigue, treatment is available by addressing the underlying drivers.

Treatment of Fatigue

I can provide a number of natural fatigue treatments that can reduce symptoms and improve general well-being. I conduct a thorough case history and investigation to identify the underlying cause of your fatigue. This may include Bio-resonance or diagnostic tests. Following this, I will support you through a tailored program to reduce your fatigue and regain your vitality.

 Your individualised program may include:

·       Addressing any anxiety or low moods

·       Alleviating chronic pain or inflammation

·       Supporting cellular energy production
(the mitochondria)

·       Rebuilding the immune system

·       Addressing hormonal imbalances

·       Improving digestive function

·       Improving sleep quality and quantity

·       Correction of any nutritional deficiencies

·       Assessment of any relevant allergens or toxins

·       Dietary changes

·       A comprehensive detox

·       Digestive repair

·       Liver regeneration program

·       Blood sugar regulation