Reflux, bloating & indigestion

Health issues related to inflammation of the digestive tract can be debilitating at the best of times. With symptoms ranging from chronic diarrhoea and stomach cramps to bloating, gas, fatigue and weight loss, people who suffer from inflammation of the digestive tract can become very mindful of not only what they eat and drink, but where they eat as well.

Megan Clarke Natural Apothecary offers natural treatment for conditions related to an inflamed digestive tract to help improve your quality of life. I can help to manage and overcome the debilitating symptoms to ensure your daily activities are not dictated by your digestive system or the location of the nearest available toilet.

What Causes Inflammation of the Digestive Tract?

It is believed that one cause of inflammation of the digestive tract is genetic – if someone in your immediate family suffers from gastrointestinal inflammation, there is a greater likelihood of other members being afflicted as well. We now know that the environmental effects on our genes is what triggers genetic defects. This is known as epigenetics. So, if we clean up our environment and lifestyle we can not only prevent but also reverse the dis-ease process. Ultimately, I aim to find out what pathogen is responsible for your condition and help you erradicte it, heal the digestive tissues. and re-establish your microbiome.

A person’s immune system can also leave them susceptible to inflammation. A properly functioning immune system will typically fend off any infection-causing organisms in the body to prevent illness. If the digestive tract becomes infected, the immune system will work to fight off the infection, but in doing so the digestive tract will likely become inflamed. Once the infection has subsided, so too usually will the inflammation. In some cases, however, people can experience inflammation of the digestive tract without there being an infection in the body. The immune system in this case starts attacking the body’s own cells instead. This is called an auto-immune reaction and happens in the case of Crohns and Ulcerative colitis.

Other risk factors that are linked to digestive conditions include smoking, ethnicity, age, and geographical location.


Symptoms of an inflamed digestive tract may include:

·       Weight loss

·       Fever

·       Fatigue

·       Anxiety and other mood changes.

·       Stomach pain and cramping

·       Diarrhoea and or/constipation

·       Reduced appetite

·       Bloating and gas

It’s easy to see how, if left untreated, these symptoms can have a significantly negative impact on a person’s capacity to enjoy life. To minimise their impact, it is highly advisable to seek treatment from a qualified herbalist/ nutritionist as soon as your symptoms appear.

How can I help?

Megan Clarke at Natural Apothecary can help to alleviate the symptoms of digestive tract inflammation with a variety of treatment options that aim to help your body get back on track. I have more than 10 years of experience in the delivery of natural treatments for a wide range of conditions, from allergies through to hormonal issues and digestive disorders. To ensure I am providing a holistic solution, my treatments go beyond the surface symptoms and take into account the broader health and lifestyle factors which could be contributing to your condition.