
Megan Clarke at Natural Apothecary can help relieve the symptoms and side effects of dysbiosis.

What is Dysbiosis?

You may have heard of your microbiome or your terrain which I believe is your ultimate foundation!



Each and every one of us has trillions of microbes in our bodies, particularly in our gastrointestinal (GI) tracts. These microbes make up our microbiome can include everything from good bacteria to fungi, viruses and other organisms. The vast majority of these microbes are good and have a positive impact on our general health and wellness; However, just as weeds can overtake a harmonious and beautifully kept garden, so too can a well organised and functioning system of microbes experience a major shift and experience an imbalance, leading to a condition called dysbiosis.

What Causes Dysbiosis?

Dysbiosis in the GI tract can be caused by a number of different potential factors, most of them controllable by the person themselves. They might include:

• Increase in sugar, protein or food additive intake

• Unintentional consumption of trace chemicals (remnants of pesticides on unwashed fruit)

• Alcohol intake of more than 2 drinks per day

• Unwanted bacteria thriving in your mouth due to poor dental hygiene

• Weakening of the immune system due to increased levels of stress or anxiety

• Exposure to harmful bacteria through unprotected sex

Dysbiosis can also appear on the skin, usually as a result of exposure to harmful bacteria and /or fungus.

Common Symptoms of Dysbiosis

Symptoms can typically vary from mild to severe, and can include:

  • Fatigue

  • Having trouble thinking or concentrating

  • Nausea

  • Skin Rash or redness

  • Upset stomach

  • Vaginal or rectal itching

  • Anxiety

  • Bad breath (halitosis)

  • Bloating

  • Constipation

  • Chest pain

  • Low moods

  • Difficulty urinating

If diet or particular medications are fundamental to the imbalance of bacteria in your system,
then making the appropriate changes should help to bring symptoms under control.

Diagnosis of Dysbiosis

There are a number of tests we can administer to determine whether you might have dysbiosis. These tests include;

  • Test for Organic Acids

    Involves taking a urine sample and having it laboratory tested for abnormal levels of acids commonly produced by bacteria. If levels are noticeably high, it could indicate a bacterial or fungal imbalance that could point to dysbiosis.
    For test details click here

  • Stool Analysis

    You will provide the lab with a faecal sample for laboratory testing. The technician will analyse your stool and determine the presence of bacteria, parasites, yeasts or fungi. Once these levels have been determined, I will be able to determine if there’s an imbalance.

  • Hydrogen Breath Test

    The hydrogen breath test involves breathing into a special balloon or tube immediately after drinking a sugar-based solution. A specialising analyst can ascertain whether or not there are certain gases produced by bacteria that would indicate the presence of dysbiosis.

Is Dysbiosis a Potential Risk Factor for Other Conditions?

It appears that dysbiosis is becoming increasingly linked to a vast range of illnesses and health conditions. While research hasn’t always been conclusive, there are nevertheless a growing number of associations between dysbiosis and:

• Late-onset dementia

• Leaky gut syndrome

• Polycystic ovary syndrome

• Skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea

• Candida, a type of yeast infection

• Coeliac disease

• Inflammatory bowel diseases

• Irritable Bowel Syndrome

• Diverticular disease

Organise Dysbiosis Testing today

If you suspect you may have dysbiosis and want to be assessed and possibly arrange testing.