Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome is a condition in which a group of risk factors for cardiovascular issues and lifestyle-related blood sugar irregularities occur together. Metabolic Syndrome is now recognised to be a leading cause of the two major causes of death in our society. I offer natural remedies for metabolic syndrome to my clients, with the aim of providing you with relief from symptoms sooner rather than later so you can enjoy a more fulfilling quality of life.

Having Metabolic Syndrome puts you at a very high risk of an abnormal blood sugar count. Treatment for Metabolic Syndrome and the many conditions that it is related to most often involves improving our ability to regulate our blood sugar by sensitising insulin.

How Do I know if I have Metabolic Syndrome?

You may have been diagnosed with one or some of the following:

  • High blood pressure

  • Elevated blood sugar

  • High triglycerides

  • Low “good” HDL cholesterol and high “bad” LDL cholesterol

  • Carrying extra weight around your waist, or a “beer gut”

These can see perceived as early signs that you might suffer from Metabolic Syndrome. There are several natural remedies for metabolism that aim to reduce the effects of the condition and enable people to enjoy a better quality of life.

Other Symptoms Associated with Metabolic Syndrome

  • Nervous System

    Low moods, migraines and headaches, memory loss

  • Skin

    Darkening and roughening of skin, skin tags

  • Reproductive (female)

    Polycystic ovary syndrome, early puberty, absent or infrequent menstrual periods, infertility

  • Reproductive (male)

    Impotence, low libido, prostate problems

  • Sleep

    Snoring, fatigue and daytime sleepiness

What causes Metabolic Syndrome?

Regular exercise

Regular exercise

Many factors are responsible for a person developing Metabolic Syndrome. Genetic mutations are contributing factors that can be managed. The effects of unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as lack of exercise, poorly managed stress, and a high calorie, highly processed, nutrient-deficient diet can throw your body out of balance and cause you to lose the ability to regulate the levels of fat and sugar in your blood.

This can develop into many of the other symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. By combining treatment for metabolic syndrome with positive changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can increase the possibility of reducing its harmful effects.

 Do You Have Metabolic Syndrome?

Because Metabolic Syndrome is caused largely by lifestyle, plenty can be done to remedy the condition. However, if not appropriately managed, it can lead to irreversible damage to your heart and arteries, kidney, liver, and nervous system. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital protection against Metabolic Syndrome. Regular exercise, herbal medicine to reduce sugar and carbohydrate cravings as well as a mineral rich, protein balanced, high soluble fibre nutritious diet together with mood and stress management are all important. I educate you on changing your lifestyle to reverse this condition.