Stress & Anxiety and Low Moods

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Stress is something that many of us encounter daily, to varying degrees. In small amounts, stress can actually be of benefit to us. It can challenge us, encourage us to change and adapt, and even make us stronger – emotionally and biochemically. That said, in the past two years we also live in a society that can exposes us to constant, chronic stress, which can leave us feeling powerless and can impact negatively on our health. Fortunately, there are a number of natural stress and anxiety treatments that can ease symptoms.

Anxiety is a symptom of excessive stress. It is a complex feeling of apprehension, fear and worry. Pulmonary, cardiac and other physical sensations often accompany it. The stress that causes anxiety can be either physical or perceived stress, but either way, it can be extremely frightening and debilitating. It is characterised by muscle tension, increased heart rate, palpitations, trembling, sweating, impaired concentration, sighing, excessive worry, and even a sense of impending doom.

I offer natural stress and anxiety treatment to help you manage emotional and physical effects.

How am I affected by Stress, Anxiety & Low Moods

Our bodies are made up of a variety of systems, each of which can be negatively affected by too much stress.

  • Nervous System

    Anxiety, panic attacks, restlessness, insomnia, headaches, mood swings and exhaustion.

  • Cardiovascular System

    Palpitations, flushing, and increased blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate.

  • Digestive System

    Suppression or increased appetite, indigestion, poor absorption of nutrients, diarrhoea and irritable bowel.

  • Endocrine system

    Imbalances in hormones, including thyroid and sex hormones.

  • Reproductive System

    Lowered libido, impotence, reduced fertility, and inhibition of foetal growth.

  • Immune System

    Increased susceptibility to recurrent infections.

On a cellular level, exposure to chronic stress has been shown to contribute to increased free-radical damage and reduced longevity. This means stress can increase the rate at which we age!

Let me Help You Take Control

To begin your natural stress or anxiety treatment, I will first take a thorough case history and gain a clear picture of how stress is affecting you personally. I am trained in a variety of screening tools that can assess your different signs and symptoms and determine how they relate to your health on a cellular level. If you are having difficulty sleeping, I may discuss the use of a natural sleep medicine with you.

I will then support you through a process to minimise the impact of stress and low moods on your life. Your program will aim to:

• Address any vitamin and mineral deficiencies that may be contributing to the stress response

• Resolve your specific stress-related symptoms using appropriate supplements

• Manage underlying neurological or hormonal dysfunction

• Discuss strategies for coping better with the stress in your life